
Решение вопросов при работе с TCL скриптами.

Модератор: Модераторы


Сообщение Stefan » 04 окт 2010 20:02

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Re: timeOP.tcl

Сообщение tvrsh » 04 окт 2010 22:40

I cant dl your link. Youd better post whole script here using "подсветка синтаксиса" button and choose TCL.
It looks like your first request to me. Try to change all "voice" word to "op".
In all other topics, if your problem was solved post some information about it, or better add [SOLVED] to theme header.
Have fun.
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Re: timeOP.tcl

Сообщение Stefan » 04 окт 2010 23:28

# timevoice.tcl v1.0 by |am| on DALnet <tcl@amit.mu> - #dodo @ DALnet
# This is my second script and it's a mixture of slowvoice.tcl and allvoice.tcl from FireEgl and guppy
# respectively. I needed to make such a script so that this time voice works only for channels specified.
# This script has been tested on an eggdrop1.6.10. So it should work fine on this version of eggdrop or
# higher.If you find any bug on this script you can email me at the address given above or find me on
# channel #dodo on DALnet (/server irc.dal.net) or #GigaIRC on GigaIRC (/server irc.gigairc.net)

### Features:
# This script will voice any user who joins a channel specified after a preset time.
# I made this script to prevent voice flooding or for moderated channels which needs

### Options:
## What is the maximum time for a user to be voiced?
set sv(maxdelay) 99

## Which channel do you want this script to voice people? If you have more than one channel please leave
## a space between the channels.(e.g "#chan1 #chan2")
set avchan "#testchannel"

### Begin Script:
bind join - * join:sv
proc join:sv {nick host hand chan} { global sv
utimer [rand $sv(maxdelay)] [list sv:voice $nick $host $hand $chan]
proc sv:voice {nick host hand chan} {
global avchan botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if {$avchan == "" && [botisop $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $nick
return 0
set chan [string tolower $chan]
foreach i [string tolower $avchan] {
if {$i == $chan && [botisop $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $nick
return 0

foreach c "[channels]" { channel set "$c" -autovoice }
catch { unset $c }

putlog "timevoice.tcl v1.0 by |am| on DALnet <tcl@amit.mu> - Loaded"
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт 2010 15:13
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Re: timeOP.tcl

Сообщение Stefan » 12 окт 2010 02:13

please help .
Сообщения: 23
Зарегистрирован: 02 окт 2010 15:13
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